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Plus all the people who touched my hair

- gorgeton7 @

And how many emails asking for an explanation on my BBO ? I should start a blog of my hair , well, voilà.Bon , must say it was the teasing , huh. I’ve had so I tease you have explained nothing, nothing from home . But it swells too much technical stuff so you can find them at the end of this post.BREF.Écoutez bien.Après 34 years fighting with my hair, haircut past 5 hours and 3 days without washing my hair full lace wigs what was NEVER happened to me in my life , it is simple.JE aM A NEW FEMME.Je have wanted , at the same time.

Three days to fight against GOUT. To track any moisture formation which could reach my hair. Three days screaming at the slightest snowflake that would caress my cheek , Chris and Scott are still bent with laughter. Three days to even go to StarBucks fear a hostess attack me with his steam engine. Three days … DARLING IS THAT ASTRONAUT IN THE BATHROOM ? Me. Why ? Yes, I have a shower cap + scarf + to hold a towel to secure everything. Not afraid . Everything is bien.Alors good, all that it has turned up the heat . Stalking gout. Plus all the people who touched my hair cheap full lace wigs human hair.

You who want a more photo.Du blow this morning when I headed as a knight of the zodiac (? ) To the bathroom , the suspense was at its height . All Garance Doré Studio was on the teeth (it is actually 35 , not you know? And that’s not counting the freelance !) . I rushed in the shower, and I came away … With wet hair human hair lace front wigs. Normal. And yeah . To see the result , had to wait for it to dry . In naturel.Tic.Tac.Tic . ( I take this interlude to remind you how it is a joy without a daily shower spacial equipment. Everyday , appreciate the simple things ) . Tac.Tic.Une half an hour later, it was dry . I went to look in a mirror. And then I screamed for joie.J ‘ WAS A NEW FEMME.Mes hair was wavy but messy, super bright , sublime .

I was so happy I decided to open the champagne. But Scott said no. All because he was 8am . He said it just opens tonight! In addition it is Valentine’s Day. Happy Woouhhh Valentiiiiiiine to yooooouuu ! Bref.J ‘ have continued to jump for joy , I smiled , danced, I dressed and went out . And there be ! ! A flurry which only New York secret befell me. In three seconds every ripple was gone.



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