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Enough of a haircut to refine his face

- gorgeton7 @

In spring 2011, we like to have brilliant natural hairstyles, whether c aside haircuts or coloring.

Short cuts, mid length or long frankly, haircuts 2011 are decidedly feminine. 2011 is the year of the movement !

To do this, play with her hair ( yes! ) , we dare contrasts, looks sexy , glamorous , it makes his style with his curly hair , lace front wigs wavy hair or straight hair .

And if enough of a haircut to refine his face? Plump cheeks and round face, did you know that the object of all your complex could fade magically and without dieting? Short hair, bob or long hair, Cosmo delivers tips, advice and ideal hairstyles for fine face!

Of plump and / or cheeks round face, if you want to refine your face, you can obviously think of makeup but also play with your hair strands.

And if a haircut was enough to change everything ? Short hair , bob or long hair , your mane fits your face if, and only if , it is perfectly ma? Trisée .

Ladies know that to narrow your face with a haircut cheap full lace wigs with baby hair, there is a golden rule. If you want to lengthen your pretty face , you must choose the volume on top of the head.

Your complex like short cuts , curly hair , volume and even the fringes. However, you can avoid lengths too long and parted in the middle .

If you have curly hair cheap lace front wigs, much remains to master the thickness of your mane. (pictured right : Jean Louis David)

To refine your face, you prefer layered cuts.

Same story for curly hair ! For both types of hair, you can also , contrary to appearances, melt for a short cut. The volume placed on the top face extends . ( in photo

If you have long hair, you should avoid wearing their hair too long. Here , unlike the short cuts , you must set the volume on the tips to stretch your face.



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